Title: Discursos del Hon. Manuel L. Quezon, comissionado residente de Filipinas, pronunciados en la Camara de representantes de los Estados Unidos, con motivo de la discusión del Bill Jones, 26, septiembre-14, octubre. 1914.
Author: Quezon, Manuel Luis, 1878-1944.
Collection: The United States and its Territories, 1870 - 1925: The Age of Imperialism Speeches by Hon. Manuel L. Quezon, resident commissioner of the Philippines, delivered to the House of Representatives of the United States, on the occasion of the discussion of Jones Bill. EL BILL DE FILIPINAS.
El Speaker. Segun la regla especial adoptada, la Camara se transforma automaticamente en Comite de toda la Camara del Estado de la Union para seguir la discusion del proyecto de ley 18459 de la Camara, bajo la presidencia del caballero de Virginia (Mr. Flood.)
Acto seguido la Camara se constituyo en Comite de toda la Camara del Estado de la Union para seguir discutiendo el proyecto de ley (C. R. 18459) que declara el proposito del pueblo de los Estados Unidos acerca del futuro estado politico de los habitantes de las Islas Filipinas y que provee a dichas Islas de un gobierno mas autonomo, bajo la presidencia de Mr. Flood de Virginia.
El Presidente. La Camara esta en Comite de toda la Camara del Estado dela Union para discutir el proyecto de ley C. B. 18459, el Bill de Filipinas, cuyo titulo leera el Oficial. El Oficial lee el titulo del proyecto de ley.
Sr. QUEZON. Senor Presidente, este proyecto de ley que estamos hoy discutiendo es de vital importancia para 10,000,000 de seres humanos que estan al otro lado del Pacifico; afecta a sua vidas, haciendas y bienestar, y, lo que es mas importante que todo eso, afecta a su libertad. La accion que tome el Congreso acerca de este proyecto de ley decidira si la larga lucha por la libertad, que ha venido sos-teniendo aquel pueblo, con indecible sacrificio de vidas y riquezas, sera coronada con un lisonjero fecito o condenada a un fracaso desesperante.
Este proyecto es tambien importante para los 100,000,000 de almas que habitan el lado aca del Paciflco; somete a prueba los fundamentos de su vida nacional y afecta a sus deberes nacionales, asi como a su honor nacional.
The Speaker.
According to the special rule adopted, the Chamber automatically becomes a Committee of the entire State Chamber of the Union to follow the discussion of the 18459 bill of the Chamber, under the presidency of the Knight of Virginia (Mr. Flood.)
The Chamber then became the Committee of the entire State Chamber of the Union to continue discussing the bill (CR 18459) that declares the purpose of the people of the United States about the future political status of the inhabitants of the Philippines. and that provides these Islands with a more autonomous government, under the presidency of Mr. Flood of Virginia.
The Chamber is in the Committee of the entire State Chamber of the Union to discuss bill C. B. 18459, the Bill of the Philippines, whose title the Officer will read. The Officer reads the title of the bill.
Mr. President, this bill we are discussing today is of vital importance to 10,000,000 human beings on the other side of the Pacific; it affects your lives, estates and well-being, and, what is more important than all that, affects your freedom. The action taken by Congress on this bill will decide whether the long struggle for freedom, which has been sustained by that people, with unspeakable sacrifice of lives and wealth, will be crowned with a flattering flattering or doomed to a desperate failure. .
This project is also important for the 100,000,000 souls that inhabit the Pacific side here; He tests the fundamentals of his national life and affects his national duties, as well as his national honor.
to be continued...
President of the United States (1914)
Woodrow Wilson
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
(December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was an American politician, lawyer, and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921